Learn how to relax your way to better health!

• Learn the science behind how relaxation can transform your health & mood for the better by changing your DNA!
• Discover different ways to relax: find what works for you!
• You can feel better within 3 weeks!
First class begins soon! May 11-25 @ 6:45-7:45 pm
Join Anna Lunaria on Thursday night for 3 weeks for...
Relaxation Response Class
Did you know: the Relaxation Response helps to switch on and off the gene signatures associated with significant health benefits? This helps cultivate longevity by slowing premature aging while improving cardiovascular health, modulating immunity: improving low immunity and reducing immune flare ups that contribute to auto-immune diseases, including allergies and lowering negative psychosocial mental health issues (anxiety, depression, etc). Practice Mind-Body Medicine and harness an easy to practice relaxation response that
helps you on the psychoneuroimmunology level!
Summer Upcoming Dates
Weekday: 3 week class
or 1 day Weekend class: 3 hour
$55 (includes booklet)
Monday mornings @ 9:30-10:30 am
June 5-19
July 10-24
Wednesday morning @ 9:30-10:30 am
June 7-21
July 12-26
Thursday nights @ 6:45-7:45 pm
May 11-25
June 8-22
July 13-27
Sunday, June 11 @ 1-4 pm
Sunday, July 9 @ 9 am - 12 pm
Classes are limited to 10 students!
Save your space sign up today!