"A recent landmark report commissioned by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), a division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), found acupuncture to be at or near the top of every category measuring the effectiveness of a wide range of treatments for low back pain. Especially encouraging was the finding that acupuncture was more effective than or at least as effective as the higher risk medications commonly used to treat low back pain including NSAIDs, muscle relaxers and analgesics."
@ Yin Rising, Anna Lunaria, L.Ac. specializes in Orthopedic/Sports Medicine Acupuncture, combining acupuncture with bodywork/medical massage, cupping, and yoga therapy. With over 1,500 hours of anatomy teaching and over 30 years experience in healing low backs. Located in Tempe @ Warner & Kyrene. Three ways to reserve an appointment: 1) Via your smart phone: download the free Yin Rising App! 2) Via computer: On-line Scheduling www.yinrisingyoga.com 3) Call us! (480) 206-6199
Source: https://acupuncturenowfoundation.org/2016/08/acupuncture-at-or-near-the-top-of-all-treatments-for-low-back-pain-according-to-study-commissioned-by-u-s-government-part-1/